10 Time-Saving Ways to Automate Your Business

Too many entrepreneurs and small business owners spend more time working in their business than working on their business and doing the things that drive growth, innovation, and profit. For these busy business people, automation is the answer, putting routine processes on auto pilot and shifting their focus to the big-picture tasks that make or break a new venture.

There’s no shortage of high-tech solutions to business automation on the market today; everything from marketing to payroll to customer support can be automated and streamlined to some degree. But just because you can automate a process doesn’t necessarily mean you should. Every new app and online tool comes with its own set of pros and cons, and some may not pay off in saved time and aggravation.

There are, however, some processes that every small business owner or SME should think about automating, and some promising tools and apps that are well worth your time to consider. We’ve compiled a list of some popular, practical, and proven tools to automate most types of business processes, giving you both market-leading options and solid alternatives to try.